Tooth Colored Fillings: What You Need to Know

Tooth Colored Fillings: What You Need to Know

Tooth colored fillings, also known as composite fillings, are a type of dental restoration used to treat cavities and tooth decay. Unlike traditional silver amalgam fillings, tooth colored fillings are made of a mixture of plastic and glass materials that can be matched to the color of your teeth, providing a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.

Looking for advanced dental treatment options? Consider tooth colored fillings . These fillings are designed to blend in with your natural teeth, providing a cleaner, more aesthetic look than traditional metal fillings. They offer a unique advantage - they not only offer a health remedy, but also enhance your smile!

In addition to their natural appearance, tooth colored fillings offer several benefits over traditional fillings. They preserve more tooth structure, are less likely to cause sensitivity, and are durable and long-lasting. Furthermore, if a tooth colored filling becomes damaged, it can be repaired easily without the need for complete replacement.

Uncover the wonders of modern dentistry with composite resin tooth colored fillings at Sevenoaks Dental Centre . They are not just aesthetically pleasing, but offer a sturdy and reliable option for cavity repair. Don't hold back, live your life to the fullest with a confident smile.

The procedure for tooth colored fillings involves anesthesia and numbing, removal of the decayed tooth material, bonding and shaping the filling material, curing the filling with a special light, and adjusting and polishing the filling to ensure a comfortable and seamless fit.

To ensure the longevity of tooth colored fillings, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene, avoid biting on hard objects, schedule regular dental check-ups, replace worn-out fillings, and avoid tobacco and excessive staining substances. When compared to other types of dental fillings, tooth colored fillings offer a safer and more aesthetically pleasing solution.

The cost of tooth colored fillings can vary depending on factors such as the size of the filling and the region you are located in. However, many dental insurance plans cover tooth colored fillings as a basic dental procedure. If cost is a concern, there are alternatives available for more affordable tooth colored fillings.

Benefits of Tooth Colored Fillings

One of the main benefits of tooth colored fillings is their natural appearance. The composite materials used in these fillings can be matched to the color of your teeth, making them virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding tooth structure.

Tooth colored fillings also preserve more tooth structure compared to traditional silver amalgam fillings. The composite materials used in tooth colored fillings bond directly to the tooth, requiring less removal of healthy tooth structure.

Another benefit of tooth colored fillings is that they are less likely to cause sensitivity. Silver amalgam fillings can expand and contract with temperature changes, leading to microfractures in the tooth structure and increased sensitivity. Tooth colored fillings are not affected by temperature changes in the same way.

Tooth colored fillings are also durable and long-lasting. With proper care and maintenance, they can last for many years without the need for replacement. Additionally, if a tooth colored filling becomes damaged, it can usually be repaired easily without the need for complete replacement.

Enhance the appeal of your pearly whites with a more natural look. Check out how Sevenoaks Dental Centre specializes in restorative dentistry such as tooth colored fillings. Offering a blend of health and aesthetics, our dental practice caters to your comprehensive oral health needs.

Unlike silver amalgam fillings, tooth colored fillings do not contain mercury. This makes them a safer and more biocompatible option for dental restorations.

Procedure for Tooth Colored Fillings

Go for a dental restorative choice that not only repairs cavities, but also elevates your smile. Discover more about tooth colored fillings at our clinic now, and see how you can benefit from our advanced restorative dental services. Let us help you maintain an attractive, healthy smile!

The procedure for tooth colored fillings begins with anesthesia and numbing to ensure your comfort throughout the process. Once you are numb, the dentist will remove the decayed tooth material using a dental drill or other specialized tools.

After removing the decayed material, the dentist will prepare the tooth for the filling by etching the surface. This creates a rough surface that helps the filling material bond securely to the tooth.

Next, the dentist will apply the tooth colored filling material to the prepared tooth and shape it to match the natural contours of your tooth. The filling material is typically a putty-like substance that can be molded and sculpted to achieve the desired shape and size.

Once the filling material is in place, the dentist will use a special light to cure or harden the material. This helps ensure that the filling is strong and stable.

After the filling material has been cured, the dentist will check the bite and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable fit. Finally, the filling will be polished to match the shine of your natural teeth.

Care and Maintenance of Tooth Colored Fillings

To maintain the integrity of your tooth colored fillings, it is important to practice good oral hygiene. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antibacterial mouthwash.

Avoid biting on hard objects or using your teeth as tools, as this can cause damage to the filling material. Additionally, avoid chewing on sticky or hard foods that could potentially dislodge or damage the filling.

Regular dental check-ups are essential for the long-term success of your tooth colored fillings. Your dentist will examine the fillings and ensure they are still intact and functioning properly. They may also recommend dental cleanings to remove any plaque or tartar buildup that could compromise the fillings.

Over time, tooth colored fillings may wear down or become damaged. If this occurs, it is important to have the filling replaced as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the tooth. Your dentist will be able to assess the condition of the filling and recommend the appropriate course of action.

Interested in modern dental restoration methods like tooth colored fillings ? These resin fillings are not just pleasing to see, but are also a strong solution for filling cavities caused by tooth decay. Act now, and embrace the opportunity to enhance your oral health and aesthetics.

Tooth colored fillings are susceptible to staining from tobacco use and excessive consumption of staining substances such as coffee, tea, and red wine. To maintain the aesthetic appearance of your fillings, it is best to limit or avoid these substances.

Comparison with Other Types of Dental Fillings

Welcome to a new era in dental restoration. At Sevenoaks Dental Centre , we specialize in tooth colored fillings for a natural-looking finish. Explore a composite resin option that effortlessly blends with your natural teeth while ensuring utmost cavity protection.

When compared to silver amalgam fillings, tooth colored fillings offer a more natural appearance and do not contain mercury. They also require less removal of healthy tooth structure and are less likely to cause sensitivity.

Gold fillings, while durable and long-lasting, are more expensive and less aesthetically pleasing compared to tooth colored fillings. They are often used for larger restorations in areas of the mouth that are not highly visible.

Ceramic fillings, also known as porcelain fillings, are a popular alternative to tooth colored fillings. They offer a similar appearance and are highly resistant to staining. However, they may be more expensive and require additional time for fabrication and placement.

Composite resin fillings, the most common type of tooth colored fillings, offer a natural appearance and are suitable for small to medium-sized restorations. They are cost-effective and can be placed in a single dental visit.

Glass ionomer fillings, another type of tooth colored filling, are made of a mixture of glass and acrylic. They release fluoride over time, which can help prevent further decay. However, they are not as durable as composite resin fillings and may need to be replaced more frequently.

Cost of Tooth Colored Fillings

The cost of tooth colored fillings can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the filling and the region you are located in. Larger fillings will require more material and may be more expensive. In general, tooth colored fillings tend to be slightly more expensive than silver amalgam fillings.

Many dental insurance plans cover tooth colored fillings as a basic dental procedure. It is best to check with your insurance provider to determine your coverage and any out-of-pocket costs.

The average cost of tooth colored fillings can range from $150 to $450 per tooth, depending on the factors mentioned above. However, keep in mind that these costs can vary significantly based on your location.

If cost is a concern, there are alternatives available for more affordable tooth colored fillings. Some dental schools offer discounted rates for dental procedures, including fillings. Additionally, dental discount plans and financing options may be available to help make the cost more manageable.